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Webvõrk — Look at the CPA in a new way
? How can one make even more money with an affiliate network?

We know the answer! Send us your cases on our offers and get payed good money for that!?

Here are the requirements to get payed for your case:

? traffic driving period — no later than 2021;
? Webvork offers only.

‼️ Important!
If you do have valuable information that you want to share with us and the community but don’t want to waste time writing a long piece of text, then contact us anyway – we will make up a case from your voice messages and screenshots?

Feel free to contact us through our VKontakte public page direct messages or write to our Stasya Fyodorova directly: / or text Stasya on Telegram (@stasyaweb)!
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? Affiliate digits 

Hi everyone! Fan pages are always a hot topic for Facebook affiliates of any verticals. Facebook fan page bans have been the norm for the last 3-4 months, back when even thoroughly structured and active pages started getting banned and making it much more challenging to drive traffic. 

So today, Webvork decided to tell you about two ways to prepare your fan pages for affiliate needs and what you need to do if your page gets banned after your launch. If you ever get trouble working with fan pages – this is the article for you.?

Enjoy the article:
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? We’re giving out CASH!

Well, dear partners, Webvork is never done giving out presents! We’re starting a promotion where you can get up to 170,000 rub added to your payout GUARANTEED??

? Drive traffic to Webvork offers from January 17th to March 17th: 

? Get 1500 approvals and take your 170,000 rub guaranteed!

? Get 1000 approvals and take your 130,000 rub guaranteed!

? Get 700 approvals and take your 85,000 rub guaranteed!

? You can bring more than 1500 approvals? Then do it and get a special prize from Webvork! 

Here are the offers engaged in this promotion:

✨ Prostatricum
✨ Keton Aktiv
✨ Cardiobalance
✨ Cistynorm
✨ Parazax
✨ Onixan
✨ Idealis
✨ Artrolux + (capsules and cream)

And, almost all GEOs are running as well!
Contact your personal managers to find out more information about offers, GEOs, and prizes.

You have 2 whole months to increase your income and get extra cash! Countdown stars now! ?
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✨Offers that’ll bring you high conversions as well as great payouts!

And with high approvals?
Artrolux came in first in Austria with a 48% approval rate. Second place went to Parazax. In Swirzerland, this offer brings a 45% approval rate on average. 
Cardiobalance, the remedy for sustaining the cardic function has got a 43% approval rate in Italy. 

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!?
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We’ve got another portion of written goodness for you today – an interview with Timur Sharipov, the owner of the Avalon affiliate team. Timur has told us everything about offer tests and Facebook bans workarounds in detail. We also talked about accounts, media presence, payout models (CPA/CPL), open positions in his team, and so much more.

If you struggle with working with Facebook, then keep on reading, we have a lot of interesting insights here. 

Enjoy your reading:
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Three offers with very pleasant approval rates!

We’ve got a new list of top approved offers. This week’s leader was Onixan, the anti-fungus remedy. In Italy, its approval rate was 45%.
Parazax Complex has grown roots into our list, this time it’s got the second spot and a 43% approval rate in Switzerland.
Cardiobalance with a 42% approval rate in Italy has earned the third position.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
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? WEBVORK makes your dreams come true!

There are two months left till the end of the “Window to Europe” contest! Two months to earn your guaranteed presents and get to the top 30 publishers that will have the opportunity to win the main prize — an apartment in Europe! ?

? And, a couple of awesome bonuses are also going to be given away among the contest participants at the final party in March, 2022:

• Stocks of shares of global IT companies in the value of 1 million rub. 
• Generous travel gift certificates.
• An actual case with 500,000 rub in cash.

❗️Any participant can become a winner, all they need to do is drive traffic with Webvork offers under CPA or CPL and earn bonus points!

✨ All points can be swapped for prizes from WebvorkShop, where you can find over 400 different goods for you and your close ones, from electric toothbrushes to motorcycles! 

“Window to Europe” is a contest where everyone will get their presents! 

➡️ Find out more about the contest on the website:
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We’ve recently interviewed Evgeniy Google Ads Guru!

Evgeniy has been doing affiliate marketing for 6 years already, driving Google traffic with his team. He was happy to tell us about the intricacies of working with Google, its prospects, moderation, campaign approaches, and so much more. 
If you do consider Google as a possible traffic source for your future or already work with it, then we recommend you read this article. 

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We have news for you: good and very good! Which one would you like to hear first??

We’re opening our previously private weight loss offer Be-in-Forma?
This supplement is made with synthetic fiber and natural ingredients, it fastens digestion, and recovers the endocrine system. 

? And, the offer starts with awesome payout rates:

Italy — 36 EUR
Austria — 37 EUR
Germany — 35 EUR

⬆️ The other news is that we’re doubling the contest points until February 25!
Instead of getting 10 coins for each approval rate, you’ll get 20, which will help you save up for that desired prize from our bonus store and move up the contesters’ rating list of the “Window to Europe“ contest?

Quick, contact your personal manager to find out all the details!
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⚡️ProSlim Active is coming back! 

Winter is about to end soon and consumers need to have more weight loss offers for the spring! This is why (and also because it’s a cool offer) we’re bringing ProSlim Active back for Italy!?

ProSlim Active is a set of powerful natural ingredients that can reduce body weight with time. Seaweed is too among the ingredients, it fastens metabolism, while guarana seeds lower appetite. 

? Payouts for Italy start from €30 per lead. 

Offer link:

Have any questions left? Contact our managers right away!❗️

#Webvork #CPA #offers #affiliatemarketing
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